PRV Patent e-service - Sign in

Choose below how you want to log in to the e-service. In order for you to be able to log in to the e-service, you must have previously applied to be an authorized user for one or more cases. Click here to read more about how to apply to become an authorized user for your cases. Click here for information on logging in with a smart card from the European Patent Office (EPO).

Logotyp för EPO

EPO smart card

Click here to sign in using a smart card issued by the European Patent Office (EPO).

IMPORTANT! Make sure your card is inserted into the card reader before clicking on the link. Then, select the certificate issued by the European Patent Office and enter your PIN code. If you encounter any issues, try closing the web browser and reopening it after inserting the card into the card reader. You need to have Cryptovision installed on your computer as per the instructions provided by EPO.


Logotyp för BankID


Click here to sign in using BankID.





PRV identification service version 2024-04-22 rev 1